9. Kraven’s Two-Cents

Kraven’s here.

I just finished reading that crap account on my brief interest in Kristoff Detlev.

I’ll be the first – or second – to verify that all that did in fact occur.

I say it’s a “crap account” because he’s a crappy storyteller — he totally captured my voice in his story. He’s unoriginal.

As for his accusation on my dishonestly — I don’t care what he really says. I am honest — but I’m also bias. I don’t know what goes through his narrow mind — and I don’t want to. You can decide whether to believe me or not.

Kristoff doesn’t know what happened after we hooked up — which I totally understand because he walked out of my life the moment he walked out of double M. We haven’t seen each other since.

I can tell you what happened. I can, really — in that clipped way Kristoff claimed I tell my stories.

Well, let’s have a stab at it: Kristoff left. He went back to Berlin. Marck needed a place to stay because he couldn’t pay his rent. I let him live in my old apartment for three weeks. It was clear he still had a thing for me. Glenn came back the day after Kristoff left. He asked why Kristoff left, and when — and did anything happen between us? I told him it was something between said person and me.

Of course, that’s spoiled now. Kristoff – sneaky snitch he turned out to be – revealed the forbidden and unacceptable.

I can go ahead and tell you the detailed version of what happened — you know, a detailed account so I can put Kristoff in his place for lying about my prose — but what for? What needed to be said is already in print — and what people were probably wondering has been verified.

I expect you to be content with what’s been revealed in both this note and the entire story itself.

Now is the time to read the next installment or — if it isn’t up yet — wait patiently.

Auf Wiedersehen.

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